Artificial intelligence for sustainable schools & universities

In educational facilities, state-of-the-art air-conditioning systems and targeted energy efficiency measures are not yet always standard. There is plenty of room for cost savings here. And sustainability is also becoming an increasingly important goal.

The good news is that even if the technical requirements in the buildings are low, enormous savings can be achieved with a digital solution. After all, not in every case is renovation or replacement of technical systems possible or economically viable.

With Recogizer's self-learning technology, you reduce your carbon footprint - completely automatically.

Energieoptimierung in Schulgebäuden
Energieoptimierung für Hochschulen

Why energy optimization with AI?

  1. Technical systems are complex, and personnel resources for ongoing support are scarce. 
  2. Due to the focus on day-to-day business, there is often little time for energy issues. 
  3. Without AI, future developments during the course of the day are not taken into account.

With energyControl, HVAC technology uses only as much energy as actually needed every minute. Digital, predictive, without effort for the operator. Perfectly suited for optimizing the energy efficiency of existing buildings.

Self-learning control for HVAC technology: energyControl

Dashboard Recogizer Cooling

Self-learning technology reduces the energy consumption and CO2 emissions of your buildings. With updates every 15 minutes, 24 hours, 7 days a week. Saving energy is a matter of course. While always ensuring the optimal indoor climate.

And energyControl never stops learning: All significant influences on energy demand are constantly incorporated into the control system, such as weather forecasts, the usage situation, and opening hours. The intuitive dashboard keeps you up to date on the energy, costs and CO2 savings achieved at all times.

energyControl is ideal for:

  • School centers
  • Vocational schools / Vocational colleges
  • Universities

Benefit from energyControl

Use the AI-supported solution for your educational institution and regulate your air conditioning systems with foresight and needs.

Save 28% energy on average. 
With energyControl.

Icon Check - Vorteile
Reduce CO₂ automatically
Icon Check - Vorteile
Innovative sustainability measure
Icon Check - Vorteile
Noticeably reduce energy costs
Icon Check - Vorteile
Easy to implement in your buildings

Energy efficiency through AI: Your benefits

Energycontrol zur Energieeinsparung
Reduce energy consumption by an average of 28%.

Permanently reduce your operating costs for air-conditioning systems.

Optimierung des Raumklima
Best indoor climate for better learning

Ensure high air quality and stable room temperatures. For successful learning and teaching.

Reduzierung der CO₂-Emissionen
Reduce CO₂ footprint

An easy-to-implement climate protection measure that runs by itself.

energyControl - Investition & Amortisierung
Pays off in the first year of operation

The digital approach and rapid savings ensure that your investment quickly pays off.

Example for a school that realizes its
green potenzial with energyControl:

Berufskolleg mit Sporthallen

Vocational College With Gyms

Referenz Energieeinsparung

Energy savings

Referenz CO2-Einsparung

Carbon footprint

Referenz - Gebäudefläche

6.000 m²

Optimierung des Raumklima

Indoor climate stabilized
in all buildings

Retrofit? Conceivably simple.

Technical requirements can be very different from building to building. Our system is based on the existing building technology. Retrofitting is quick and easy, without interrupting operations. After a short learning phase, energyControl gets the best out of your technical equipment.

3 steps to a smart, green educational institution

Potential analysis of your property

We examine the potential for CO₂ emissions and energy savings in your properties, which we can leverage with our AI-supported solution.

Start of the self-learning control

The path to the green building starts with technical monitoring. The digital twin of the buildings is fed this data to learn the building and system behavior. Simple retrofitting takes place without interrupting operation. After a short learning phase and modeling with the help of AI, energyControl takes over the predictive control of the heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems.

Optimized, AI-supported control of your plants

Sit back and relax: Your technical systems are now controlled demand-driven and optimized every 15 minutes. Fully automated. The requirements for your comfortable climate are always focused on. As the basis of energyControl, the individual framework conditions of your building are taken into account: Temperatures in individual parts of the building, shifts, occupancy schedules, the needs of teachers, professors and students, as well as specific requirements, e.g. during a pandemic.

How much energy can you save?

Based on the use of the building and the technical conditions,
let's see how much green potential lies dormant in your property.

Energiesparpotential prüfen