Artificial Intelligence That Cares About Our Climate

Real estate creates 40% of carbon emissions worldwide. Our innovative GreenTech solution is at your side to permanently reduce the carbon footprint of your buildings.

Artificial intelligence is the ideal building block for your sustainability strategy. Because it saves energy with no effort on your end.

Green Buildings
Nachhaltigkeit - Green Buildings

Climate Impact: Extraordinary.

Offsetting carbon emissions is good, and saving money while doing it is better. With energyControl from Recogizer you reduce the energy consumption of air conditioning systems by an average of 28%.

The most effective climate protection measure is every kilowatt per hour that is not consumed in the first place.

The story behind Recogizer
Ambitious climate goals? Creative initiatives wanted!

Let AI cut CO₂ emissions for you. Day in, day out.

Nitish Koripalli | Data Engineer at Recogizer

energyControl saves you 28% energy

With energyControl from Recogizer, you can be sure that your building only uses as much energy as it actually needs every minute. Digitally, predictively and without any extra effort. The best solution for energy optimization of your property.

CO2 Einsparung bei Gebäuden

The innovative measure for your sustainability concept: energyControl

Dashboard Recogizer Cooling

Self-learning technology reduces the energy consumption and carbon footprint of your building. With updates every 15 minutes, 24 hours, 7 days a week. Saving energy is a matter of course.

energyControl never stops learning: All significant influences on energy demand are constantly incorporated into the control system, such as weather forecasts, the usage situation or opening hours. With the intuitive savings dashboard, you can present results convincingly at any time.

A real-life example: With energyControl in place, the Kameha Grand Hotel at Bonner Bogen in Bonn improved its indoor climate, increasing the well-being of guests and staff. In addition, the hotel consumes up to 30% less energy.

Need to retrofit? No problem.

From office or retail building, hotel to university:
Our system is based on the existing building technology and retrofit happens during ongoing operation of your business.

After a short learning phase, energyControl gets the best out of your technical installations.

Self-learning energy optimization for real estate: Your benefits

Logo - Förderung durch BMWI & Nationale Klimaschutz-Initiative
Reduzierung der CO₂-Emissionen
Saving CO₂ rather than offsetting it

With energyControl you save 28% energy on average with your air conditioning technology. Reliably and permanently.

energyControl KI-Vorteile
Innovation for your sustainability strategy

CO₂ reduction in buildings? A no-brainer with AI. Take your climate protection measures to the next level with state-of-the-art technology.

energyControl - Investition & Amortisierung
Pays off quickly: For climate and wallet

Because we focus on data from start to finish, savings are achieved quickly. And your investment pays off within the first year of operation.

Quick and easy to implement in existing buildings

Your digital alternative to costly reconstruction can be implemented quickly. Without interrupting day-to-day operations.

The smartest way to cut your carbon footprint?

Make artificial intelligence part of your sustainability strategy. For climate-neutral real estate and a green future.

Let's talk about how much green potential lies dormant in your buildings.

Get in touch.